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2024 SA
Chinese Language Awards Ceremony


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On August 23, 2024, the annual Chinese Language Awards Ceremony organized by the Chinese Language Teachers Association of South Australia (CLTASA) was held in the majestic Memorial Hall of St Peter's College. Nearly 700 students, parents, teachers, school leaders, and guests from various sectors gathered, filling the hall to near capacity.


Since its inception in 1999, the Chinese Language Awards Ceremony has been held for 26 years. Over these 26 years, the scale and format of the ceremony have evolved, and the organizing teams have changed. However, the belief of Chinese educators in South Australia has remained unchanged: all outstanding Chinese learners deserve public recognition and commendation!This year, 94 students from over 30 schools were nominated for the Excellence in Chinese Language Award in South Australia.


Another highlight of the ceremony was the announcement and presentation of the annual Chinese Video Competition awards. Since 2018, CLTASA has been organizing this competition, which has grown in popularity over the years. The entries have been diverse, showcasing the creativity and imagination of the students, while also demonstrating the unique charm of the Chinese language and culture in practice.


This year, over 70 entries were submitted, with more than 140 participants. Notably, the community Chinese school "Jiale Zhongwen" has submitted outstanding entries for two consecutive years. Their participation is an encouraging sign that more community Chinese schools may join this competition!


On the evening of August 23, over 100 students attended to receive their certificates, prizes, medals, and trophies.

本次颁奖典礼由圣彼得学校的两位高年级学生Tadgh Jackson和Dominic Wong共同主持。圣彼得学校的副校长Jasmine Taylor女士为颁奖典礼致开幕词,特邀嘉宾Native English College的教学主管Daniel Ednie-Lockett先生分享了他的中文学习之路,特别强调了在中国学习中文的经历,鼓励学生们抓住学习语言的机会,勇于在实践中提升汉语水平。

The awards ceremony was co-hosted by two senior students from St Peter's College, Tadgh Jackson and Dominic Wong. The Deputy Headmaster of St Peter's College, Ms. Jasmine Taylor, delivered the opening speech. Special guest Mr. Daniel Ednie-Lockett, Director of Teaching at Native English College, shared his journey of learning Chinese, particularly emphasizing his experience of studying Chinese in China, and encouraged students to seize the opportunity to learn languages and boldly practice to improve their Chinese proficiency.


We were honoured to have the following guests present at the awards ceremony to support and present certificates and prizes to the winners:

  • Ms. Jasmine Taylor, Deputy Headmaster, St Peter's College

  • Mr. Ben Storer, Deputy Head of Junior School, St Peter's College

  • Ms. Nicola Breslford, Principal of Highgate School

  • Ms. Jessica Sullivan, Deputy Head of Preparatory School, Westminster School

  • Dr. Richard Heah, Representative of the Australian Chinese Medical Association, SA

  • Mr. Naysan Mortazavi, Principal of Equitable Law

  • Mr. Xinming Song, Senior Migration Agent of Equitable Law

  • Mr. Min Chen, Investment Partner, Keylend Mortgage & Finance

  • Mr. Jing Li, Vice President of the Australia-China Cultural Promotion Association

  • Ms. Xiaojing Zhai, General-Secretary of the Australia-China Cultural Promotion Association

  • Ms. Tianna Bai, Director of EyeSmile Dental & Optical

  • Ms. Liyao Wang, Head of China Business & Migration, Finlaysons Lawyers

  • Mr. Michael Butler, Senior Partner of China Business & Migration, Finlaysons Lawyers

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特别感谢路婷老师,在邓雯老师和胡可欣老师的协助下,联络所有赞助单位并邀请各位嘉宾;感谢Laura Kildea老师和Zhihan Le老师邀请学校领导到场支持。

Special thanks go to Ms. Ting Lu, who, with the assistance of Ms. Shelby Baker and Ms. Kexin Hu, coordinated all the sponsors and invited the distinguished guests. We are also grateful to Ms. Laura Kildea and Ms. Zhihan Le for inviting the school leaders to attend and support the event.

来自五所学校的老师组织学生为颁奖典礼带来了精彩演出,谢谢各位老师的精心策划和指导:Teachers from five schools organized students to perform at the awards ceremony, delivering outstanding performances. We sincerely thank these teachers for their meticulous planning and guidance:

  • Minmin Huang(黄敏旻老师), Pulteney Grammar School

  • Judy Zhu(朱梦颖老师), Alfred Prince College

  • Wenting Hao(郝文婷老师), St Ignatius’ College

  • Grace Le(乐志涵老师), Westminster School

  • Fangfang Qiu(裘芳芳老师)和Shelby Baker(邓雯老师), St Peter's College



The awards ceremony is a powerful platform CLTASA has established for teachers and students from various schools. It showcases the achievements of Chinese education and event organization capabilities to students, parents, teachers, and guests from across the state, demonstrating the talents of Chinese language students in language, culture, and various other fields. We hope more teachers and students from different schools will actively participate in the future.

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The success of this event would not have been possible without the generous support of various sectors:

  • 南澳华人医学协会自1999年起,26年间从未间断对我们颁奖典礼的支持;The Australian Chinese Medical Association, SA, which has supported our awards ceremony uninterrupted for 26 years since 1999.

  • CBT Holidays连续三年提供赞助,且逐年增加资助额度;CBT Holidays, which has been a sponsor for three consecutive years, increasing their support each year.

  • 澳中文化交流促进会、C & J会计师事务所、EyeSmile Dental & Optical、芬莱森律师行连续三年提供了稳定的资金支持;The Australia-China Cultural Promotion Association, C & J Accounting Firm, EyeSmile Dental & Optical, and Finlaysons Lawyers, which have provided stable financial support for three consecutive years.

  • Equitable LawKeylend今年也加入了赞助行列。Equitable Law and Keylend, which joined as sponsors this year.



We sincerely thank everyone for their generous support and their commitment to Chinese education in South Australia.

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  • 特别鸣谢圣彼得学校的邓雯老师,积极协调各方,不仅让我们免费使用学校设施,还承担了前期协调现场音响、灯光及幻灯片的调试等工作;Special thanks to Ms. Shelby Baker of St Peter's College, who coordinated with all parties, not only allowing us to use the school facilities for free but also handling the preliminary coordination of onsite audio, lighting, and slideshow adjustments.

  • 感谢王晓宁和裘芳芳老师推荐并辅导两位主持人,并在典礼期间提供实时支持;We are also grateful to Ms. Xiaoning Wang and Ms. Fangfang Qiu for recommending and coaching the two hosts and providing real-time support during the ceremony.

  • 感谢Laura Kildea老师,在典礼前后全程参与,从勘察场地、布置会场、购置餐点到取送奖杯奖牌等,事无巨细,精益求精。Thanks to Ms. Laura Kildea for her comprehensive involvement before and after the ceremony, from site inspection, venue setup, and purchasing refreshments to collecting and delivering trophies and medals, handling everything meticulously.

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Special thanks to all members of the CLTASA committee and sub-committee. As a united team, everyone has worked closely together for two consecutive years, overcoming various challenges to successfully organize the awards ceremony.


Finally, special thanks to every Chinese teacher involved in this event. We deeply appreciate your hard work and unwavering support for the students and the association.


The successful conclusion of this awards ceremony is a testament to the dedication of students, parents, teachers, schools, and guests. We believe that with everyone's sincere cooperation, the future of the Chinese Language Teachers Association of South Australia is promising, and the future development of Chinese education in South Australia is bright!

刘芳Fang Liu

南澳州中文教师协会会长President of CLTASA 


撰稿(Text刘芳(Fang Liu)

南澳中文教师协会会长 (President of CLTASA)

版面设计(Design) 魏明霞(Mingxia Wei)

南澳中文教师协会财务主管(Treasurer of CLTASA)

特聘摄影Contracted Photographer: Wanting Pang

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