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Award Winner

Annual Chinese Language Awards Ceremony


2022 Annual Chinese Language Awards Ceremony

​South Australia

If any students want to perform at the Awards Ceremony on 2nd December 2022, the accompanying teacher, please click the link to fill in the performance information so the Committee can prepare the equipment/props needed and small tokens of appreciation for students and teachers from the performing group.

The CLTASA has organised the South Australia Chinese Awards Ceremony in the last two decades. In the past, the ceremony recognised non-native learners of Chinese at both secondary and primary levels in South Australian Schools that have provided a Chinese program. The nominated students must show outstanding enthusiasm for Chinese, knowledge of Chinese culture, and strong language skills.

The Ceremony takes place in Term 4. All the schools in South Australia which offer Chinese as a language are invited to participate in this awards night. Reps of over 40 schools attended the ceremony each year. Please see the 2022 Annual Chinese Language Awards Ceremony brochure for more information.

In mid-October 2022, the CLTASA Committee sought suggestions and feedback from wider CLTASA members and Chinese teachers and added two award categories: Background Language Learners and First Language Learners.

On 2nd December 2022, the following awards will be presented to students at the 2022 Annual Chinese Language Awards Ceremony:


  • 2022 South Australia Chinese Language Awards:

      1. Second Language Learners of Chinese

      2. Background Language Learners of Chinese

      3. First Language Learners of Chinese


  • 2022 South Australia Chinese Language Video Competition Awards

Date and Venue

Time: 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. (Light refreshments start at 5:30 p.m.)

Date: Friday, 2nd December 2022
Venue: Sports Center, Seymour College, 546 Port Rush Road, Glen Osmond, 5064 (Please see the Map of Seymour College at the bottom of the page, or you may download a copy by clicking here.)

Nomination Criteria

Each school can nominate ONE primary and ONE secondary student who has high enthusiasm for Chinese studies and outstanding knowledge and understanding of Chinese culture for each category below:

Second Language Learners of Chinese Award

(The student must be a non-native learner studying Chinese as a second language and has Chinese language skills but is not necessarily the top academic student.)

Background Language Learners of Chinese Award

(The student may speak mandarin at home, not necessarily exclusively, and have varying degrees of knowledge of, and proficiency in, the language being learnt.)

First Language Learners of Chinese Award

(The student is a native Chinee language learner who has had more than one year's schooling in mandarin in a country or area where mandarin is spoken.)

Prizes for the winners

Junior School students:

$30 Gift Card and Certificate of Excellence

Secondary School students:

$50 Gift Card and Certificate of Excellence

School Registration Fee

  • $30 per nominee (student of CLTASA member teachers);

  • $50 per nominee (student of non-CLTASA member teachers)


Permission Form for photography

Please download the 2022 Permission Form for photography (fillable PDF file)

School teachers are responsible for collecting the photo consent for each student before nominating students online. 

Student Nomination and Guest Registration Process

Student Nomination closes on Friday, 11th November (Week 4 Term 4)

Step 1 Nominate students online

Teachers will find the Nomination Form on this webpage. Teachers are to fill in one online Nomination Form for each student and are asked to upload a piece of student work (PDF or WORD file) and the Photo Consent From with their nomination. (We will email an invoice to teachers 24 hours after the registration).


Step 2 Make a payment

It is the responsibility of teachers to ensure schools make a payment before the due date as indicated on the invoice.


Step 3 Awards Ceremony Invitations

Teachers invite students, parents and school leaders to the 2022 Chinese Language Awards Ceremony.

Each student can invite two family members or guests (if family members or guests are younger than 18 years old, please fill in the Photo Consent form before the event and email it to


Step 4 Register for the Awards Ceremony on Friday 2nd December 2022

Invited school teachers, nominated students, parents, and school leaders, please register on TryBooking. All guests are required to bring an e-ticket to the Ceremony.

TryBooking link

For more information, please email

2022 Annual Chinese Language Awards Ceremony Nomination Form 

Is the teacher, who nominats the student, a member of CLTASA in 2022?
Select ONE Leaner Pathway
Please upload a piece of the student's work (PDF or WORD files)
Please upload the student's consent form (PDF file)
Select an item (AU$)

Your submission has been received. Thanks for registering.

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The Chinese Language Teachers Association of South Australia Inc. (CLTASA) 


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